Source code for fracdiff.torch.functional

from typing import Optional

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from fracdiff.fdiff import fdiff_coef as fdiff_coef_numpy

def fdiff_coef(d: float, window: int) -> Tensor:
    """Returns sequence of coefficients in fracdiff operator.

        d (float): Order of differentiation.
        window (int): Number of terms.


        >>> from fracdiff.torch import fdiff_coef
        >>> fdiff_coef(0.5, 4)
        tensor([ 1.0000, -0.5000, -0.1250, -0.0625], dtype=torch.float64)
        >>> fdiff_coef(1.0, 4)
        tensor([ 1., -1.,  0., -0.], dtype=torch.float64)
        >>> fdiff_coef(1.5, 4)
        tensor([ 1.0000, -1.5000,  0.3750,  0.0625], dtype=torch.float64)
    return torch.as_tensor(fdiff_coef_numpy(d, window))

[docs]def fdiff( input: Tensor, n: float, dim: int = -1, prepend: Optional[Tensor] = None, append: Optional[Tensor] = None, window: int = 10, mode: str = "same", ) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the ``n``-th differentiation along the given dimension. This is an extension of :func:`torch.diff` to fractional differentiation. See :class:`fracdiff.torch.Fracdiff` for details. Note: For integer ``n``, the output is the same as :func:`torch.diff` and the parameters ``window`` and ``mode`` are ignored. Shape: - input: :math:`(N, *, L_{\mathrm{in}})`, where where :math:`*` means any number of additional dimensions. - output: :math:`(N, *, L_{\mathrm{out}})`, where :math:`L_{\mathrm{out}}` is given by :math:`L_{\mathrm{in}}` if `mode="same"` and :math:`L_{\mathrm{in}} - \mathrm{window} - 1` if `mode="valid"`. If `prepend` and/or `append` are provided, then :math:`L_{\mathrm{out}}` increases by the number of elements in each of these tensors. Examples: >>> from fracdiff.torch import fdiff ... >>> input = torch.tensor([1, 2, 4, 7, 0]) >>> fdiff(input, 0.5, mode="same", window=3) tensor([ 1.0000, 1.5000, 2.8750, 4.7500, -4.0000]) >>> fdiff(input, 0.5, mode="valid", window=3) tensor([ 2.8750, 4.7500, -4.0000]) >>> fdiff(input, 0.5, mode="valid", window=3, prepend=[1, 1]) tensor([ 0.3750, 1.3750, 2.8750, 4.7500, -4.0000]) >>> input = torch.arange(10).reshape(2, 5) >>> fdiff(input, 0.5) tensor([[0.0000, 1.0000, 1.5000, 1.8750, 2.1875], [5.0000, 3.5000, 3.3750, 3.4375, 3.5547]]) """ # Calls torch.diff if n is an integer if isinstance(n, int) or n.is_integer(): return input.diff(n=int(n), dim=dim, prepend=prepend, append=append) if dim != -1: # TODO(simaki): Implement dim != -1. PR welcomed! raise ValueError("Only supports dim == -1.") if not input.is_floating_point(): input = combined = [] if prepend is not None: prepend = torch.as_tensor(prepend).to(input) if prepend.dim() == 0: size = list(input.size()) size[dim] = 1 prepend = prepend.broadcast_to(torch.Size(size)) combined.append(prepend) combined.append(input) if append is not None: append = torch.as_tensor(append).to(input) if append.dim() == 0: size = list(input.size()) size[dim] = 1 append = append.broadcast_to(torch.Size(size)) combined.append(append) if len(combined) > 1: input =, dim=dim) input_size = input.size() input = input.reshape(input[..., 0].numel(), 1, input_size[-1]) input = torch.nn.functional.pad(input, (window - 1, 0)) # TODO(simaki): PyTorch Implementation to create weight weight = fdiff_coef(n, window).to(input).reshape(1, 1, -1).flip(-1) output = torch.nn.functional.conv1d(input, weight) if mode == "same": size_lastdim = input_size[-1] elif mode == "valid": size_lastdim = input_size[-1] - window + 1 else: raise ValueError("Invalid mode: " + str(mode)) output_size = input_size[:-1] + (size_lastdim,) output = output[..., -size_lastdim:].reshape(output_size) output = output.transpose(dim, -1) return output